Gunther in 1868, derives from the Greek aphye, -es and charax. A second species, Aphyocharax stramineus, was described also by Eigenmann in 1907 but this is a conspecific. The species was described in 1907 by C.H. Eggs or fry will be devoured by the adult fish if left together. Growth rate is fairly rapid, as long as regular water changes are maintained, and larger foods should be offered as the fry grow. Once the fry have entered the free-swimming stage, begin feeding with infusoria, moving to newly hatched brine shrimp and very fine powdered foods. This is a group spawner, and an egg-scatterer. Eggs hatch in 2-3 days and fry are free-swimming 4 5 days later. There are no external gender indicators, other than the fuller body of females particularly when ready to spawn. There should be a gentle flow from the filter, as this fish is accustomed to a slight current. See further remarks under Compatibility/Temperament above.Īn aquarium with a sand substrate, containing several chunks of bogwood and/or branches, and a cover of floating plants will suite this species. This species is one that fares best either in its own habitat tank, or in a community aquarium of active, robust fish. Soft to moderately hard (GH up to 20 dGH), acidic to slightly basic (pH 6 to 7.5), temperature 20-26C/68-79F.

Readily accepts prepared foods such as flake, small pellet and frozen.Ģ4 inches in length, preferably 30 inches, as this is a very active swimmer. Primarily carnivorous, feeding on insects, insect larvae, small worms and crustaceans. Not good with slow, sedate or long-fin fish as it may then nip at the fins. This is a very active species, and prone to fin nip, so it should be maintained in larger groups of eight or more, and only with active fish. Occurs in streams and rivers, in areas shaded by overhanging vegetation, and flooded forest.Ĭompatibility/Temperament: Generally peaceful but with reservations. Origin and Habitat: South America, endemic to the Paraguay river basin in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Maybe she could give you a tip as to where she imported them from, though.Family: Characidae, Subfamily AphyocharacinaeĬommon Name: Green Fire Tetra, Redflank Bloodfin Tetra

This species is a translucent green color with a. FOR SALE ABOUT USLiving Artwork Fish Farms is a leading supplier of the. The Rathbuns Bloodfin, also known as the Green Fire Tetra, comes from the clear waters of South America. The vendor who was selling them months back on the classifieds was snoopy65, Fish n' More by Sam, but she's pretty much defunct. GREEN FIRE TETRA Live Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tank Tetras - 59.99. $4 each for green fire tetras and $6 each (holy moly!) for diamondhead neons from Live Aquaria, but I imagine you know this since it was the first Google hit and you are looking for cheaper: Īnyway, good luck. Anubias Design (a vendor here) has Paracheirodon simulans, green neons, for just $1 on their stock list. The "diamondhead neon" is probably Paracheirodon innesi, sometimes referred to as Paracheirodon innesi diamant. What you're referring to as "green fire tetra" is probably Aphyocharax rathbuni also called Rathbun's Bloodfin or Redflank Bloodfin. Ok, first of all - it helps to have scientific names instead of common names. Why not just bump your previous WTB thread instead of creating a new one?