Auto chess couriers
Auto chess couriers

auto chess couriers

New Recruitment mechanism: When manually rerolling the recruitment list, you will no longer find pieces from your last recruitment which you did not purchase.Fixed incorrect portrait views of Batrider and Abaddon.Fixed a bug which secondary abilities(such as Fiery Soul and Acidic Spray) can be casted repeatedly when taunted by Axe's Berserker's Call.Redecorated Sladar, Viper, Tinker, Disruptor, Sniper, Abaddon, Death Prophet, Templar Assassin, Venomancer, Beastmaster and Necrophos with the latest TI9 theme cosmetic items.Io will no longer benifit from Auto Combination when on bench.Combination info is always sent in Bullet form. Unchecking Bullet Chat now affects player chats only.New mechanism: Target change: If the current target are physically immune while alternative targets are present in the attack range, chess pieces will now consider attacking other enemy pieces.If you didn't get any droppable items from 5 consecutive neutral creep kills, you will be compensated a consumable item (Tango or Mango in random) for your Courier.New piece Added: Winter Wyvern ($1 Dragon Mage).Decreased Luguna Blade's cooldown from 10/8/6 to 10/7/4 sec. Added exclusive visual effects of Bullet Chat, winning streak, leaderboard display for DAC Custom Game Pass owners.Ĭongratulations to Lina for winning this week's least win prize!.Slightly adjusted icons of Priest and Arcane Aura.Decreased Shadow Shaman's Hex cooldown from 10 to 10/9/8 sec.Improved Shadow Shaman's base attack rate from 1.6 to 1.5.Increased Morphling's base attack damage by 5, Waveform damage by 50.Increased Beastmaster's Wild Axe physical damage by 20 per axe.Redecorated Sniper★★ with new items and weapon. Improved Sniper's Assassinate cast delay from 1 to 0.5 sec.Increased Disruptor's Static Storm duration by 0.5 sec.Decreased Lone Druid's Spirit Bear base magic resistance from 10% to 0%.Balanced Winter Wyvern's Cold Embrace base health regen bonus from 10/15/20 to 20, percentage regen bonus from 10%/15%/20% to 10%.Decreased Knights' Divine Protetion bonus armor from 35 to 30 per stack when activated.Optimized Summon: Summoning abilities(Spirit Bear, Shapeshift, Remote Mines and etc.) will now prioritize summoning in the vacant squares in front of the pieces, instead of at the back.New Chess Piece List View: You can now click on a particular spicies or class to filter-view pieces of that property.Correction: Lina's Laguna Blade cooldown is now 10/7.5/5 sec instead of 10/7/4 mentioned in the previous patch.They will now cast abilities in a smarter way, which considers the target's magic resistance, and tends to finish the emeny right with the blow. Optimized Lina and Sniper's ability AI.Now items with fixed bonus health and percentage bonus health will correctly stack their attributes. Reworked algorithm for bonus health attributed by items.The exact words should be placed as to not infer what a change could mean.

auto chess couriers

#Auto chess couriers Patch

Most of the patch notes are succinct enough, but sometimes the translation from Chinese to English can be lost. A patch could be as small as a single bug fix, or as large as a major balance rework. Patches are updates to the map that have been made by the map creator. Which could give greater context as to how something has changed over time. Listing changes here and integrating them would benefit the reader with keywords linked to other related resources, or the individual filtering of a single chess pieces history. If there is enough interest in the game, and myself and/or others have the time or care to build up the systems then this page would server as an improved version of the workshop page. If all you care about are the most recent changes or bug fixes, then you can go to the official workshop page where the creator posts the most recent change notes. Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any suggestions.The goal of this article is to slowly build up an easy to digest and detailed history of the changes to Dota 2 Auto Chess.A guide '?' on topleft is for beginners.A casino opened on Drodo Island recently, after the TD house and Rink! You can pick dota heros as your chesses and they will automatically fight for you on a 8*8 chessboard.Busy jobs do not prevent them from having fun themselves in spare time. Hard-working couriers in dota games live in a little island - Drodo Island.

Auto chess couriers